Wednesday, August 1, 2007

WEEK 3: Qui est in, qui est out

It looks like it's all over for London and Istanbul:

Day One
Montreal: 161 votes
London: 98 votes
Vilnius: 276 votes
Istanbul: 32 votes
Day Two
Montreal: 135 votes
London: 88 votes
Vilnius: 146 votes
Istanbul: 88 votes
Day Three
Montreal: 137 votes
London: 125 votes
Vilnius: 196 votes
Istanbul: 103 votes

Here's who's moving on to Round 2:::

(photos: MTL Street Style)

(photos: Laimikis: Street People)


(photos: Istanbul Street Style)

UP NEXT WEEK (starting Monday):::

ATHENS (Athens Wears)
TALLINN (Just Glitter Lust)


BUENOS AIRES (BA Street Style)
SAN FRANCISCO (Street Fancy)

Thanks for voting, come back Monday!
And don't forget, & Istanbul Street Style are still our friends!

1 comment:

- said...

love the blog! it´s really inspiring and there´s a lot of new blogs of streetstyle I havent visited, thx!!
xox, L